Women At War

Women At War

Experience Freedom &
Breakthrough to Victory in the Self-Paced Women at War e-Training!

It's Time for You To Excel in Life!

“Women at War has changed my life. I have a deeper, richer relationship with my Savior, Jesus Christ! I now know how to war for God’s promises, pray scripture, and live a life of victory. I learned to combat the enemy with the Word of God. I began to let God fight my battles. I began to hear God speak to me.
I learned practical ways to fight with scripture.
​I learned everyday strategies to live victoriously."

Billie Caren B.

Transform Your Life Today with the Women at War e-Bible Study! Get practical, scriptural strategies for breakthrough now!

Would Step-by-Step Success Strategies Help?

  • Experience breakthrough!
  • Learn how to walk in your spiritual gifts!
  • Engage with God as Jehovah Jireh, your Provider!
  • Confidently engage in spiritual warfare!
  • Improve your marriage & family life!
  • Lean exactly how the enemy blocks answered prayer and how to overcome him! You'll never pray the same way again!
  • Learn how to contend for your promises in Christ Jesus!
  • Live God's word for victory over health, relationships, marriage, raising kids, career, and finances!

Amazing Value $297
Only $77 

Women At War E-Book


24/7 Online Training Platform

When You Enroll Today You'll Get Instant Access To The Women At War E-Bible Study

Get Instant access to the Women At War Book, Women At War Workbook, Audio book, Video workshops and over 100 scripture supported lessons in the Women At War Training Platform

Women At War E-Book

Learn The Power of Effective Prayer, How To Hear God's Voice &
​Finally Defeat The Giants In Your Life!

A lifestyle of VICTORY belongs to you as a Daughter of the King! It's time to start living like one. A lifestyle of victory doesn't mean you're free from problems; it means you walk through them differently!

This incredible Bible Study is written for women pursuing a life of victory, who want to learn how to pray powerfully and effectively, how to go to war for their promises and how to obtain breakthrough in any situation!

Discover why your prayers aren't answered, how to hear God for yourself, what it means to walk in real relationship with Jesus Christ and so much more!

Doing life as Jesus teaches is far from boring, which is what many falsely believe. Doing life with Jesus couldn't be more exciting. If you are not excited about your walk with the Lord, perhaps it is time to dive a bit deeper!

​Regardless of where you believe your walk is today, far or close, this study will "change your life" as so many women have testified. Get ready for an incredible life change!

I am so honored and so thankful to be a part of this ministry. It's so real, so life changing and so needed for such a time as this. I've been walking with the Lord for 45 years and this is what I've been yearning for and needing all this time. It's very rare to find teachings like you bring to us even in our churches. You are a true blessing, and your ministry is powerful!

Rosemary W.

Women At War E-Workbook

Workbook for Women at War Bible Study

If you are a woman desiring to learn to pray powerfully and effectively, to go to war for your promises and obtain breakthrough in any situation, then this bible study will teach you the practical biblical lessons to do so!

Using the workbook, you will discover hidden secrets inside your own heart that keep you in negative life patterns, toxic thoughts and help you create a pattern of success instead!

Together the bible study book and workbook create an impactful and revelatory experience for women pursuing their promised life of victory!

With God, nothing is impossible!

Women at War has taught me about the importance of having a personal relations with our Creator, how to hear His voice, how to commune with Him. It teaches us our authority in Jesus Christ and how to prevent the enemy from stealing, killing and destroying, and how to take back what the enemy has stolen. Women at War has greatly increased my faith. It has been a blessing to me and my entire family!

Nancy P.

Women At War Training Videos

Dive deeper into faith, prayer, and walking with the Lord!

Many aren't even sure of their purpose on earth but one thing is for sure, you do have a unique purpose and it's waiting to be fulfilled.

Sharon's accompanying recorded training workshops are intended to reinforce the Women at War Bible Study material. Much care is taken to ensure each lesson is scripturally supported and meticulously designed to guide you in a life filled with purpose, destiny, and unshakable faith.

Each video helps you gain a deeper understanding of what it means to embrace God's word and walk in your role as a Daughter of the King.

Experience an increase in self-worth, confidence, biblical knowledge and wisdom as you increase your faith to believe anything IS possible with God.

The Woman at War of Bible study has brought my faith to a whole new level. I grew up in church and have always believed but this Bible study has taught me things that no church I have been to has even come close to teaching.

Tiffany M.

What's Inside The Women at War Bible Study?
​Inside You Will...

1. Learn to PRAY Breakthrough prayers the way the Word of God teaches!

Discover why your prayers don't seem to be answered. Learn how to pursue His promises of answered prayer for your life and achieve victory in any battle! This study includes the Women at War e-bible study book on Audio - listen anywhere!

2. Learn the Difference Between Praying and Going to War!

Winning the battle has everything to do with this biblical principle. It's time to learn to live a lifestyle of victory! Jesus promises healing, freedom and life abundantly - let's welcome His word to fulfill its promises now!

3. Learn How to HEAR GOD!

...by His voice, His Word, in dreams and through the Holy Spirit. In John 10:27, Jesus says, "My sheep hear My voice..." That means what it says. If you are not hearing His voice, then it is time you do. No intimate relationship is without communication and your Savior wants to speak with you!

4. Learn the Acts of Faith that Bring Breakthrough!

God's Word teaches us all of the weapons of warfare we can access to achieve breakthrough and live victoriously. Learn to properly use those weapons as a lifestyle, co-laboring with Jesus to experience the difference answered prayers make in your life!

5. ​Learn the Hindrances our Enemy Uses Against Us and How to Stop Them - a Life of Victory Awaits!

We learn in Gal. 3:13 that Jesus' finished work on the cross broke off the curses of death, sickness and poverty. Don't allow Him to have gone through all of that in vain. Receive it and walk in your authority in Christ!

6. ​Learn to Walk in Your Authority in Christ!

Most Christians live like satan's doormat because they are afraid of the devil. The truth is that the devil is afraid of God's children; however, he knows when a believer has no idea that she possesses the very authority of Christ Jesus within her. He then takes advantage. It is time to put the enemy under your feet by learning to walk in your authority in Christ. You are a daughter of the King. It's time to understand what that really means!

7. Learn how to Confidently engage in Spiritual Warfare!

Our battles are not fought against others. They are fought in the unseen realm. Learn how to battle the real problem. Learn to exercise faith over fear. Discover the tricks the enemy uses every single day and how to cancel his assignments against you and your loved ones. Eph. 6:12 (NKJV) "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."

​8. Learn to Walk in the Gifts the Holy Spirit has for You according to 1 Corinthians 12!

If you are living life as a believer without the power of the Holy Spirit operating through you, you are possibly just plain bored! Get ready to ignite your relationship with Jesus and live the life He died to give you!

​9. Grow in your relationship with Jesus as a Family!

You will learn how to engage in prayer with your husband and even teach your children how to grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus. There is no Junior Holy Spirit...your family has access to the same Jesus and Holy Spirit you do!

​10.​ Learn to Live Victoriously as a Daughter of the King!

Ultimately, every chapter of Women at War will teach you biblical strategies AND the practical ways to apply them to real life...His word is simply shared in a way that you can digest and apply right now. The Workbook is your War Plan for breakthrough. It's not enough just to learn His Word...even the enemy knows what the Bible teaches. In order for our lives to change and improve, we must apply what we learn. That's why I've even recorded video lessons along with the study - making it even easier to process, apply and thrive!

Meet The Founder Of Women At War:

Introducing Sharon Restrepo
Leading Women to Go to War for Their Biblical Promises...

At the heart of Women at War lies the wisdom and inspiration of our remarkable founder, Sharon Restrepo. Sharon's journey is a testament to the transformative power of faith, prayer, and walking with the Lord, and it's her mission to share these life-altering teachings with you.

Sharon's story is one of unwavering faith and resilience. She married her high school sweetheart, and as they were about to embark on the journey of their dreams, tragedy struck.

Her husband's sudden death in a tragic accident left her in deep despair. Stricken with health issues and battling thoughts of suicide as a result, Sharon's life took a dark turn.

However, it was in this unbearable season that she encountered the redeeming power of Jesus Christ. In a moment, her life was forever changed, and she found herself on a path to healing, restoration and purpose.

From that pivotal encounter with the Lord, Sharon's steps were reordered.

Years later, she was divinely inspired to create a scripture-based Bible study that would take every Daughter of the King on the same life-changing journey she had experienced.

Her mission is rooted in God's call to, "Teach His daughters what He taught her."

The Women at War training platform embodies Sharon's vision of empowering women with the scriptural weapons, tools and knowledge to lead a victorious life.

It encapsulates her unwavering commitment to spreading the message of faith, prayer that avails much, and the transformative power of doing life alongside Jesus Christ.

By choosing The Women at War E-study, you are not only gaining access to a treasure trove of spiritual insights but also become a part of Sharon's vision to empower women to live a life of victory. As a fellow Daughter of the King, she walks beside you on this faith-filled journey.

Embark on a life-changing journey of faith and empowerment with The Women at War movement. Sharon's teachings and insights will guide you towards a life filled with unshakable faith, effective prayer, and a deep connection with the Lord.

Here Is What His Daughters Have To Share...

Reviews from Women At War Bible study warriors:


"I had never thought about many of these things before, nor was it ever taught to me before taking this study. I applied these lessons, asked my Heavenly Father and received my covenant sign, which are two butterflies. It is such a wonderful new integral part of my relationship with God and I truly encourage you to seek God for your personal covenant sign. Just like there is the rainbow covenant sign to remind us that the Lord will not destroy the earth by flood, it is amazing to have a particular covenant sign between you and your Heavenly Father."

Billie Caren

“Women at War has changed my life. It has led me to understand what has been right before my eyes my whole life. I have a deeper, richer relationship with my Savior, Jesus Christ! I now know how to war for God’s promises, pray scripture, and live a life of victory. The world around us is full of evil. I learned to combat the enemy with The Word of God. I began to let God fight my battles. I began to hear God speak to me. He is the Shepard and the sheep know their Shepard’s Voice! I learned practical ways to fight with scripture. I learned everyday strategies to live victoriously."


"I thought it was a system of prayer that did not necessarily apply to me. During Women at War, I learned how to war for the promises God lays on my heart, I have learned many things. God hears the cries of His children. Praying scriptures allows me to know God in a more intimate way and tune out the lies of the enemy. My mind has been renewed and my faith has grown."


"Women at War was not what I expected. It was better than what I expected. So much of what I learned I had never known before. I learned about things I read in the Bible but hadn't understood. Sharon taught about warring for the promises of God. I had no idea we could do this. She taught about God's love, faithfulness, and provision. I realized I had not opened myself up to accept all of those wonderful things from God."

Join The Women At War Movement & Growing Community of Sisters-in-Christ Just Like You...

Women at War is your opportunity to achieve a life filled with unwavering faith, transformative power of prayer, and a profound connection with Christ Jesus.

Join Sharon and a community of like-minded women on this extraordinary journey of faith and encouragement.

Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the biblical secrets of a victorious life as a Daughter of the King.

Embrace your destiny, find your purpose, and live with unshakable faith.

​When you join Women at War now, you will begin the journey that will change your life forever.

Join The Women At War Movement & Growing Community of Sisters-in-Christ Just Like You...

Women at War is your opportunity to achieve a life filled with unwavering faith, transformative power of prayer, and a profound connection with Christ Jesus.

Join Sharon and a community of like-minded women on this extraordinary journey of faith and encouragement.

Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the biblical secrets of a victorious life as a Daughter of the King.

Embrace your destiny, find your purpose, and live with unshakable faith.

​When you join Women at War now, you will begin the journey that will change your life forever.

Join the movement that is transforming His Daughters...

Women At War Group Private Community 

Equipping the Proverbs 31 Woman!

Your invitation to join our private Facebook community awaits. We encourage you to join your sisters-in-Christ to enjoy new friendships, find encouragement, motivation, make prayer requests, continue learning principles and strategies from the Word of God, participate in virtual and live events & so much more! Joining our group is such a great addition to your Women at War e-course journey!

Are You Ready for Life to Change?

Isn't It Time to Learn How to Improve Health, Destroy Roadblocks, Improve Family Relationships, Hear God Speak to You & Watch the Bible Come Alive?

Here Is Everything You Get Today...

Unlock 24/7 Access To Women At War for ONE FULL YEAR!

Women At War e-book

This incredible Bible study is written for women pursuing a life of victory, who want to learn how to pray powerfully and effectively, how to go to war for their promises and how to obtain breakthrough in any situation!


Women At War e-Workbook

The Women at War e-Workbook accompanies the Women at War book and together create an incredible Bible study experience, equipping women to work through the study and solve real issues affecting their freedom in Christ!


VIP 24/7 Training Access

These meticulously created and recorded webinar sessions are designed to bring more clarity and deeper understanding to the Bible Study content. Learn God's word the way we should be learning in church!



If you've been seeking the Bible Study that changes everything you thought you knew about prayer and spiritual warfare, then this is it! ​You will never pray, read the bible or walk in relationship with Jesus the same way again!



Only $77

Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that buying a new product comes with a lot of questions...

What is included in "The Women at War e-Course"?

The E-Package grants you 24/7 online access to the Women at War online training platform for a full year. It includes PDF versions of the Women at War Book and Workbook, an audio companion of the book, and recorded training webinars to deepen your understanding of faith, prayer, and walking with the Lord.

Can I access the materials on any device?

Absolutely! You can read the PDFs, listen to the audio, and watch the recorded webinars on any device with an internet connection, giving you the flexibility to learn and grow on your terms.

How do I connect with other members and the Women at War community?

You are invited to join our private Women at War Group on Facebook, where you can engage with like-minded women who are on the same spiritual journey. Make great friends, share experiences, make prayer requests, ask questions, continuing learning from Sharon and find support and encouragement from your sisters in Christ.

Is there a guarantee if I'm not satisfied with the e-Course?

Yes, we offer a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee. If within 30 days of your purchase, you honestly find that the e-Course does not meet your expectations, simply reach out to our support team, and we will assist you with any concerns or refund requests. Your journey is our priority, and your satisfaction is our commitment.

If you've been looking for a faith-based mentor anointed to lead you closer to Christ, then it's time to meet Sharon Restrepo...

Women At War

Sharon's story is one of unwavering faith and resilience. Her husband's sudden passing in a tragic accident left her in the depths of despair. Stricken with health issues and battling thoughts of suicide, Sharon's life took a dark turn. However, it was in these moments of despair that she encountered the redeeming grace of Jesus Christ. Her life was forever changed, and she found healing and purpose.

We don't share, rent or sell your information.

Sharon Restrepo is a genuine educator and encourager who loves to share her life's experiences, knowledge and faith in everything she does. Her motivational story of overcoming suicide after suddenly being widowed 25+ years ago plays a pivotal role in her life. Sharon shares from a place of transparency, humor and vulnerability, in a way that all audiences relate, learn and experience personal and business growth as a result.

Statement of Faith: "We believe that Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God who came to earth through virgin birth, sinless in life, purposed to die on the cross for our sins, making a way of forgiveness and giving those who receive Him as their Savior the promise of eternal life with Him in heaven."

Copyright © 2025 | All Rights Reserved

Restrepo Enterprises, Inc. dba Women At War
PO Box 1494, Rockwell, NC 28138